To study, defend and develop the economic, social and moral interests of its members. R.S. 1964, c. 146, a. 6.


The primary mission of the Confédération des Praticiens en Médecine Douce du Québec (CPMDQ) is to bring together a large number of members who share a common interest in promoting self-healing of the body through the application of natural and holistic methods for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being.


In their multidisciplinary practices, CPMDQ practitioners embrace their patients on all levels of being, because they believe that the human being, in the globality and “wholeness” that characterize him or her, can be expressed on different levels: physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, energetic, socio-cultural and even planetary (ecology).

The Confederation’s mission also includes bringing together trade union federations, professional unions and union premises.

Alternative medicine: definition, benefits and practices

Alternative or natural medicine takes into account all aspects of the person, and seeks to act not on the symptom, but on the cause. Primarily a preventive medicine, alternative medicine aims to maintain and/or restore health through natural means such as exercise, breathing, relaxation, healthy eating, herbal remedies, homeopathy, manual therapy, soul therapy, etc.

The practitioner of alternative medicine seeks to re-establish the self-healing capacities inherent in each individual, and his or her approach is to build on strengths in order to counterbalance weaknesses. To this end, the practitioner of alternative medicine draws up a vitality balance sheet, which is not a diagnosis, but which aims, through various natural means, to measure the level of vitality, estimate overloads and deficiencies, and stimulate and reinforce these capacities.

The practitioner of alternative medicine has a dual mission: that of therapist, enabling the person to regain his or her health, and that of health educator, giving advice on vital hygiene, with the aim of maintaining the person’s health over the long term. A practitioner of alternative medicine must not create dependency with his clients, but rather guide them along the path to health, making them autonomous actors in their own health.